Stéphane Chaillou

Research Director

Stéphane Chaillou

Research Director


Stephane’s research work is focusing on genomics of food-borne bacteria and on the role of microbial diversity in food microbial ecology. One of his strategy is to implement statistical and bioinformatic analysis of large sampling survey for describing diversity of food microbiomes. He is using the prediction of microbiomes fluxes along the food chain to assess food health and sustainability issues link to microbiomes such as food spoilage, biopreservation or fermentation. Recently, he has been implementing meta-omics data analysis to characterize microbial metabolic interactions in foods using synthetic ecology strategies. Stephane studied fundamental & applied microbiology in Marseilles (France) and earned his PhD (1999) in molecular microbiology at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). In 2016, Stephane obtained his HDR (French accreditation to steer & supervise research) in biological sciences at University Paris-Saclay.


At the Paris-Saclay University, in the framework of the BioSphera graduate school, Stephane’s is also coordinating activities to interface research & education programs and co-supervise a master degree in the field of microbiome sciences. In this context, Stéphane teaches metagenomics and molecular ecology to students having genomic and microbiology backgrounds.


  • 2023-2028: Horizon Europe DOMINO project (RIA). Harnessing the microbial potential of fermented foods for healthy and sustainable food systems.
  • 2022-2025: ANR (French National Agency) METASIMFOOD project. Improving the quality, safety and sustainability of fermented vegetable food and fruit beverage using a knowledge-driven synthetic ecology and modelling approach.
  • 2021-2025: EMOVOL. Molecular microbial ecology of poultry meat production.

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