Food microbial fluxes under the magnifying glass of multi-omic data integration

Published: Oct 18, 2023 by FME Lab

In our last article1 published online this Wednesday 18th of October in frontiers in Microbiology, we demonstrate how an ambitious meta-omics sampling strategy can be holistically integrated to reveal the secrets of microbial flux within food production. Our paper focuses on spoilage scenarios in meat products, but the concept can be applied broadly to all types of food. We demonstrate that, in addition to studying the parameters influencing microbial flux, it is also possible to highlight certain metabolic interactions between micro-organisms. Many thanks to the ANR for funding this project, and a wave of congratulations to all our colleagues in this consortium.

  1. Poirier, S. et al. Holistic integration of omics data reveals the drivers that shape the ecology of microbial meat spoilage scenarios. Front. Microbiol. 14, 1286661 (2023). 


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