
from FME lab

COST PIMENTO Workshop in Bratislava: A Successful Gathering for the Future of Fermented Foods
COST PIMENTO Workshop in Bratislava: A Successful Gathering for the Future of Fermented Foods

From September 16 to 19, Bratislava hosted the latest COST PIMENTO workshop, bringing together key members of the management committee, core group, and working groups. This fruitful event, organized by the National Agricultural and Food Centre (Food Research Institute), provided an opportunity to discuss the future direction of fermented foods research.

Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology
Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology

In a unique venture celebrating World Microbiome Day, we organized a series of engaging microbiology workshops at Toulouse-Lautrec Primary School in Vaucresson and another primary school in the southern suburbs of Paris. These workshops aimed to teach children about microbiomes, fermented foods, and the importance of gut health through interactive and hands-on experiences.

Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on  World Microbiome Day with EUFIC
Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on World Microbiome Day with EUFIC

On #WorldMicrobiomeDay, Domino with EUFIC (European Food Information Council) has a mission to disseminate food microbiome science publicly.

DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods
DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods

The last three days, from Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th of June, INRAE (MaiAge & MICALIS) teams organised a workshop on microbial community-level genome scale modelling (GSM) for consortia design.

Webinar on genome-scale modelling for consortia design
Webinar on genome-scale modelling for consortia design

Last Tuesday 28th of May, Elham Karimi, Stephane Chaillou (Micalis, Food Microbial Ecology research group) and Valentin Loux (MaIAge) have organised in the frame of the #DominoEU project a webinar training session on genome-scale modelling (GSM).

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Health promoting effects of Fermented Foods was the highlight at 2nd Forum on Fermented Foods in Malaga
Health promoting effects of Fermented Foods was the highlight at 2nd Forum on Fermented Foods in Malaga

(#DominoEU researchers participated significantly to this amazing conference organised by the COST Pimento. Paul Cotter, Orla O’Sullivan, Jekaterina Kansatseva, Bastien Renard, Isabelle Savary-Auzeloux, Luca Cocolin, Kelly Rantsiou and Tanja Kostic gave talks.

Metagenomic driven isolation of poorly culturable species in food
Metagenomic driven isolation of poorly culturable species in food

A new article entitled “Metagenomic driven isolation of poorly culturable species in food” from Caroline and Pierre has been published in Food microbiology journal1.

6th scientific meeting of ANR metasimfood project in Strasbourg
6th scientific meeting of ANR metasimfood project in Strasbourg

On Tuesday 7th of January, the 7 partners gathered for the second time in Illkirch (close to Strasbourg) and were hosted by Aérial. The meeting was focused on the main advances carried out on the fermented vegetables food model with exiting results confirming the hypothesis postulated earlier in the project. Also, the evening before the meeting, Aérial organized a specific visit of the largest Sauerkraut producer in France, at a small village 30 km south of Strasbourg.