
from FME lab

Fourth scientific meeting of ANR metasimfood project in Rennes
Fourth scientific meeting of ANR metasimfood project in Rennes

This time, the 7 partners gathered in Rennes this Tuesday 12th of December and were hosted by STLO at the Institut Agro.

Workshop for Domino living-labs
Workshop for Domino living-labs

A workshop for #DominoEU living-labs (LL) was held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) on thursday 30th of november and friday 1st of December.

Advancing Microbiome Research: Insights from the 4th Polepharma Microbiomics Days
Advancing Microbiome Research: Insights from the 4th Polepharma Microbiomics Days

The 4th edition of the Polepharma Microbiomics Days, presided over by Professor Pierre Dechelotte, Head of Nutrition at CHU de Rouen Normandie and part of the Inserm – University of Rouen Normandie Unit, recently concluded at the Kindarena in Rouen.

#Microbes4SustainableFoods cluster at the EFFoST conference in Valencia
#Microbes4SustainableFoods cluster at the EFFoST conference in Valencia

Stéphane participated to the #EFFOST2023 conference in Valencia (6th to 8th of November) during which a specific session an EU project was planned.

Key Takeaways from NutrEvent 2023 Rennes Participation
Key Takeaways from NutrEvent 2023 Rennes Participation

Marie and Julien participated in the NutrEvent held in Rennes on the 17th and 18th of October.

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Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology
Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology

In a unique venture celebrating World Microbiome Day, we organized a series of engaging microbiology workshops at Toulouse-Lautrec Primary School in Vaucresson and another primary school in the southern suburbs of Paris. These workshops aimed to teach children about microbiomes, fermented foods, and the importance of gut health through interactive and hands-on experiences.

Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on  World Microbiome Day with EUFIC
Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on World Microbiome Day with EUFIC

On #WorldMicrobiomeDay, Domino with EUFIC (European Food Information Council) has a mission to disseminate food microbiome science publicly.

DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods
DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods

The last three days, from Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th of June, INRAE (MaiAge & MICALIS) teams organised a workshop on microbial community-level genome scale modelling (GSM) for consortia design.