
from FME lab

Food microbial fluxes under the magnifying glass of multi-omic data integration
Food microbial fluxes under the magnifying glass of multi-omic data integration

In our last article1 published online this Wednesday 18th of October in frontiers in Microbiology, we demonstrate how an ambitious meta-omics sampling strategy can be holistically integrated to reveal the secrets of microbial flux within food production. Our paper focuses on spoilage scenarios in meat products, but the concept can be applied broadly to all types of food. We demonstrate that, in addition to studying the parameters influencing microbial flux, it is also possible to highlight certain metabolic interactions between micro-organisms. Many thanks to the ANR for funding this project, and a wave of congratulations to all our colleagues in this consortium.

  1. Poirier, S. et al. Holistic integration of omics data reveals the drivers that shape the ecology of microbial meat spoilage scenarios. Front. Microbiol. 14, 1286661 (2023). 

Bringing synthetic Ecology in the field of food microbiology
Bringing synthetic Ecology in the field of food microbiology

The 18th national congress for the French Microbiology Society (SFM) was held in Rennes the 4-6th October. Stéphane was welcome as a guest and gave an introduction conference in the session dedicated to “microbes and functional foods”. He delivered a 25 min talk untitled ”Design of microbial solutions for sustainable and healthy fermented food: perspectives & challenges”.

Ferment'IA: Bridging the World of Fermented Foods with Artificial Intelligence
Ferment'IA: Bridging the World of Fermented Foods with Artificial Intelligence

On the 13th of September, CentraleSupélec hosted the inaugural Ferment’IA colloquium. This event, organized in collaboration with Ferments du Futur and l’Institut DATAIA, catered to researchers focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science, particularly in the context of fermented foods.

A Glimpse into LAB14: Insights on the Future of Lactic Acid Bacteria science
A Glimpse into LAB14: Insights on the Future of Lactic Acid Bacteria science

The 14th Symposium of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB14) in Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands, was a landmark event in the world of microbial ecology. Renowned experts from across the globe congregated to discuss the latest advancements in the field.

Third scientific meeting of ANR metasimfood project in Palaiseau
Third scientific meeting of ANR metasimfood project in Palaiseau

The meeting was organised by sayfood partner in the brand new AgroParisTech building in Palaiseau. These two days were focussed on the milestone around the construction of the food models and construction of artificial microbial communities. We are glad that this important milestone is validated. The project will now enter a more ambitious phase, implementing synthetic ecology strategies to model microbial interactions in the project’s two models (wine and fermented vegetables). The meeting was punctuated by a very pleasant dinner at the living-room in Palaiseau.

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Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology
Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology

In a unique venture celebrating World Microbiome Day, we organized a series of engaging microbiology workshops at Toulouse-Lautrec Primary School in Vaucresson and another primary school in the southern suburbs of Paris. These workshops aimed to teach children about microbiomes, fermented foods, and the importance of gut health through interactive and hands-on experiences.

Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on  World Microbiome Day with EUFIC
Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on World Microbiome Day with EUFIC

On #WorldMicrobiomeDay, Domino with EUFIC (European Food Information Council) has a mission to disseminate food microbiome science publicly.

DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods
DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods

The last three days, from Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th of June, INRAE (MaiAge & MICALIS) teams organised a workshop on microbial community-level genome scale modelling (GSM) for consortia design.