
from FME lab

Exploring the Interconnected World of Microbiomes
Exploring the Interconnected World of Microbiomes

In our contribution to the last Microbiome Support CSA review, coordinated by A. sessitch and T. Kostic1, we reveal the critical roles of microbiomes in maintaining ecosystem health and their extensive interconnectivity across different environments. These diverse microbial communities are exchanged constantly, affecting everything from climate regulation to human health.

  1. Sessitsch A, Wakelin S, Schloter M, et al. Microbiome Interconnectedness throughout Environments with Major Consequences for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2023;e0021222. doi:10.1128/mmbr.00212-22 

LABIP Expert Workshop Microbial Diversity & Health
LABIP Expert Workshop Microbial Diversity & Health

In Leiden, Netherlands, 7 – 8 June 2023, the recent LABIP1 Expert Workshop on “Microbial Diversity & Health” brought together experts to explore this relationship. The workshop began with an objective to examine the impact of microbial diversity in food on health. Presentations covered topics such as the role of beneficial microbes, consequences of food processing on microbial diversity, and harnessing gut microbiome diversity.

  1. LABIP: Lactic Acid Bacteria Industrial Platform 

1st Scientific Day of the Food Science, Nutrition, and Human Nutrition Program
1st Scientific Day of the Food Science, Nutrition, and Human Nutrition Program

The 1st Scientific Day of the “Food Science, Nutrition, and Human Nutrition Program” was Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 at Campus Agro Paris-Saclay. Topics included Food transformation, Food transitions, Healthy eating and Personalized nutrition

Domino project shines at PIMENTO Forum
Domino project shines at PIMENTO Forum

The recent PIMENTO Forum served as a platform for the HorizonEU DOMINO project. Stéphane and Marie present their ambitious goals under Horizon Europe. The DOMINO project, funded by Horizon Europe, aims to address critical challenges through interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering connectivity among actors in the scientific community. The project received positive feedback at the forum, with an emphasis on Living-Labs and networking through COST PIMENTO.

Meeting with TFTAK for DOMINO Project
Meeting with TFTAK for DOMINO Project

Representing FME, Stephane was pleased to meet colleagues from Tallinn University of Technology (TFTAK) to discuss about HorizonEU DOMINO project’s development of microbial solutions for vegetable-based fermented foods. The meeting took place during a two-day visit (24-25th of April), where discussions and knowledge-sharing took place to kick-start the work plan for exciting fermented food case studies.

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Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology
Celebrating World Microbiome Day by Inspiring Young Minds with the Wonders of Microbiology

In a unique venture celebrating World Microbiome Day, we organized a series of engaging microbiology workshops at Toulouse-Lautrec Primary School in Vaucresson and another primary school in the southern suburbs of Paris. These workshops aimed to teach children about microbiomes, fermented foods, and the importance of gut health through interactive and hands-on experiences.

Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on  World Microbiome Day with EUFIC
Explore the Health Benefits of Fermented Foods on World Microbiome Day with EUFIC

On #WorldMicrobiomeDay, Domino with EUFIC (European Food Information Council) has a mission to disseminate food microbiome science publicly.

DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods
DOMINO Workshop on genome-scale modelling. How to build innovative and forward-looking methodologies in the field of fermented foods

The last three days, from Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th of June, INRAE (MaiAge & MICALIS) teams organised a workshop on microbial community-level genome scale modelling (GSM) for consortia design.